Monday, 23 November 2020


Basically since the bike broke down it has been in my Brothers garden covered up and out of the way. With all the corona virus stuff and lack of money I haven't had a chance to get it back or look at it until this week.

I bought new Jets for the carb and have booked a van to pick it up and bring it home which means I should have the bike back today :-)

When I get it back I will drain the fuel tanks and take the carb off and clean it and then hopefully with some new fuel and new Jets the bike should run again.

Its MOT has also run out while the bike was off the road so I need to get that sorted as well and then I can start using the bike just in time for winter!

I'm going to take the battery off when the bike gets here and take it to my parent's house to charge it up to see if it still holds a charge. If it doesn't then I will have to buy a new one before the MOT. I have also had to buy a new number plate as it would not pass the MOT with the current one as it has a chunk out of it. That should be here tomorrow or Wednesday.

The bike is now back and in my lounge ready to start working on it. The front break is now not working just to add to the list of things to look at :-(

Other than the break and the front tyre feeling a bit soft the bike seems OK.

I am just taking the battery out to get it charged and taking the plate off ready for the new one to go on and then I have to go out and run some errands before I will try and get the carb off to take a look at it.

So basically the bike has been off the road and at my brother's house for 198 days!!! or 6 months and 14 days! 

As it stands I have had the bike for 1 year on the 9th of January and I have ridden it twice and it has broken down twice. Hopefully once it is fixed and MOT'ed I will be able to get some use out of it without any more issues :-( 

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